Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of development is South Avon?

South Avon is a 15-acre mixed-use development that will include a variety of housing units – ranging from 1-bedroom apartments to single-family homes – commercial spaces, an early education center, an artisan maker space, and ample green space for recreation and urban agriculture. This project is one of several catalytic projects that RHDC has planned to promote housing, economic development, and public safety in southwest Rockford.

Who are the developers, who currently owns the land and who will manage this property once it is developed?

This project is being jointly planned and developed by the Rockford Housing Development Corporation (RHDC) – a non-profit organization devoted to advancing housing affordability and availability for low- income residents in Rockford – and Gorman & Company – a real estate and community development company, and Place Foundry LLC – an urban design and real estate consulting firm based in Rockford.

The South Avon Development will be situated on 15 acres of vacant land owned by RHDC, which it acquired from Commonwealth Edison in 2020. RHDC and Gorman & Company will be responsible for the management and maintenance of the development once it is constructed.

How did we choose the South Avon Street location? How was the community involved until this point?

The South Avon development grew from the One Rockford initiative, a regional planning effort led by RHDC and local community organizations, including West Gateway Coalition and SWIFTT, to address housing, community safety, and economic development in southwest Rockford. Through an extensive community engagement process, over nearly two years, RHDC identified four sites – including South Avon – for catalytic investment in housing, business development, and education.

How do we know that South Avon will be built? Are resources secured to fund the project? Who will build it?

RHDC has already secured a significant portion of funds for the development of this project through the sale of the Concord Commons apartment complex. Additional funds will be provided through municipal, state, and federal sources.

Gorman & Company will oversee the construction of the mixed-use rental property and RHDC and Place Foundry will lead the other projects. The project relies heavily on hiring minority subcontractors in the construction of the development phases. Subcontractors will also be required to hire individuals who are considered low-income residents.

How will housing remain affordable at our South Avon site?

  • Low-Income Housing Tax Credits: Tax credits offered by the Illinois Housing Development Authority, extended on behalf of the IRS, will allow residents to rent units at below-market rates for 30 years.
  • Land Trust: South Avon will provide a path to homeownership for residents through a land trust. With the financial help of RHDC, residents will be able to purchase homes at below-market rates and will retain a portion of the profits when they eventually sell the home. The remaining profits go to RHDC to further maintain and develop the property.
  • Housing Type: Housing units will range from studio and 1-bedroom apartments to larger single-family homes. This abundance of housing types will ensure that residents with varying housing needs can find the most appropriate option for them.

Is the site itself safe to build and live on?

Prior to 2016, this site had environmental contamination. After extensive environmental remediation efforts by Commonwealth Edison, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) declared that no further environmental remediation is required for residential and commercial development on the South Avon site. In June 2022, an additional study was completed by the civil engineering firm Fehr Graham, confirming no need for additional environmental remediation on the site.

Will there be commercial space on the site?

The Mixed-used apartment building will contain over 8,000 square feet of space dedicated to an early childhood center. Additional commercial space (10,000 sq feet) will allow for up to nine commercial/office tenants. 915 Cedar Street comprises more than 23,000 square feet of space, with 70% dedicated to entrepreneurial/artist/community space. Further, the urban farm and vertical greenhouse facility will provide fresh produce and additional commercial activity for the neighborhood.

Larger commercial development, such as a grocery store or large-scale retailer, has not been recommended for this site due to the small amount of developable area (due to a portion of the site falling within a floodplain) and low foot and vehicular traffic relative to other corridors in the area.

How do we know there will be jobs for people living in South Avon?

South Avon is within 20 minutes from downtown Rockford by foot, 6 minutes by bicycle, and 3 minutes by car, allowing residents to take advantage of the rapidly growing job market offered by downtown – currently approximately 11,000 jobs.