News & Resources

A Fourth of July Extra

Housing growth, a guide for cities. By Ronald ClewerJuly 04, 2024 The following is a direct reprint from the folks at the NYU Furman Center from their LinkedIn post today. While intended for NY City, the 6 principles apply to every city struggling with housing inventory challenges. All principles are important, but the last three […]

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Rockford – Now is the time to act!

If you have been following my Substack column, or my LinkedIn posts, you may have deduced that I am a housing advocate through and through. You may also deduce that I am a City of Rockford proponent and cheerleader. As a Rockfordian by choice, I recognize the amazing assets we have as a community. I also recognize that we have issues […]

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Rockford IL – Housing Affordability

Last week’s post, answered the question of what is affordable housing? As you may recall, housing affordability means the sum of rent or mortgage and housing related costs (i.e. utilities, insurance, and real estate taxes for homeowners) is no more than thirty-percent (30%) of a household’s income. I also noted in last week’s post that […]

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Housing Underproduction

This week Up for Growth published 2023 Housing Underproduction™ in the U.S. The organization’s web page does a great job of highlighting national drivers, trends, and history of US housing underproduction. In the coming weeks, we will look at this underproduction in greater detail, specifically, what does it mean in the Midwest, Illinois, Northern Illinois, and my hometown of Rockford, IL, […]

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Good News Rockford!

Are we ready to grow? That takes your voice. By Ronald ClewerApril 27, 2024 Any time we can celebrate good news, we should! This past Thursday, the Wall Street Journal and published an article, Rockford Is Now America’s Top Housing Market After an Improbable Turnaround. The two organizations rank metro areas according to real-estate […]

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